15 C
Peregian Beach
Saturday, July 27, 2024

Government Promises Funding For New Carpark In Fairfield To Ease COVID-Test Congestion (The Shovel)

Those queuing for a COVID test in the Sydney suburb of Fairfield can expect some relief when a new government funded carpark is built there in 2028.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison confirmed the funding yesterday, saying he is always willing to help with Australia’s COVID response, especially if it involves building imaginary infrastructure.

“A lot of people would look at this situation and say that what Fairfield needs right now is additional testing facilities or vaccination centres. But they’re forgetting that when you’re facing a pretty terrifying health crisis, what you actually need is a place to park your car in seven years’ time.

The car park proposal was quietly pulled when a staffer pointed out that Fairfield was situated in a safe Labor seat.

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