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Peregian Beach
Monday, April 29, 2024

Barnaby Joyce Refuses To Reject Net Zero Climate Policy Before Seeing The Details (The Shovel)

The Deputy Prime Minister says there is a lot of talk about commitments for net zero carbon emissions, but he won’t be able to reject them until he’s seen the modelling.

“Until you lay down a plan, and show us the costs, we have nothing to reject. Show us the plan and we’ll happily refuse it,” Mr Joyce said.

The Nationals leader said it was reasonable to expect more information before making a decision, and then launched into a perfectly normal comparison of global climate change with a restaurant menu.

“Generally how restaurants work is you go in and they have a menu and they have a list of things available. This is what we are looking for. A menu with a list of prices. Then we can look through everything and reject the lot. That’s how competent decisions are made”.

Thanks to Peter Tovey for the headline

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