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Friday, May 3, 2024

Life Hack: How to not rape someone in one really fucking easy step (The Chaser)

Rape is a thing you shouldn’t do but way too many people claim that it is confusing while talking to the media as a subtle way to avoid actually addressing the problem. Luckily this really, really simple life hack can help anyone who even remotely cares about other people:

Step 1: Don’t fucking do it, just don’t rape!

For this step, if you are going to engage in a sexual act with another person all you need to do is simply make sure you have enthusiastic consent and if you don’t have it, do nothing. Literally do nothing at all. Don’t make the active choice to rape them. You will find it is easier and better for everyone if you don’t do it. If you need to ask in order to double check if you have consent, it is definitely really fucking worth it. And that’s it, that’s all the steps. Same methodology can go for sexual harassment and sexual assault as well.

Way too frequently asked questions:

  • But isn’t consent a confusing concept?
    • No, no it really fucking isn’t. If you are only doing sexual acts based on ‘implications’, if they gave consent then told you to stop during, if they are too young, if they are too drunk, if they said no but you continued pursuing until they ‘gave in’, if you asserted a level of power you have over them, if they aren’t conscious, or literally any other situation than when they are in a right state of mind and are enthusiastically consenting, you are in the wrong. It’s pretty easy to understand, just assume you don’t have consent unless you are directed otherwise.
  • Wouldn’t asking for consent ruin the mood?
    • Not many people consider ‘the person I was with wanted to make sure they weren’t raping me’ as a deal breaker, and if you are worried it will kill the mood for them chances are they probably weren’t enthusiastically consenting in the first place. Unless of course you mean your mood, in which case you can always ‘go fuck yourself’ instead. I mean that both figuratively and literally.
  • You have talked a lot about what the rapist could do to stop a rape, but what about the victim? Didn’t they invite it?
    • No, you piece of shit, no they didn’t. In fact the only ‘inviting’ that a person can do is consent, anything else is rape and the fault of the rapist.
  • If my friend or colleague rapes someone, should I help them hide it?
    • First of all, real concerning you are still using the term ‘friend’ when referring to them. But more importantly, NO! Fuck No! Holy Shit No! Have some decency you monster.

So, how did you go with the life-hack?

I know, who knew it’s so easy not to dehumanise someone? Crazy right?

Anyway if you liked it, please make sure to share it with your friends. If your on social media maybe even give a like and tag someone in the comments that you think should read this. I mean, statistically speaking, you probably know at least someone who could get something out of reading this. It could really help society grow.

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