15.6 C
Peregian Beach
Monday, September 16, 2024

Queensland Covid-19 exposure sites: list of Qld coronavirus hotspots and case location alerts (Sunshine Coast | The Guardian)

Here are the current coronavirus hotspots and Covid-19 public exposure sites in Queensland and what to do if you’ve visited them.

Authorities have released a list of coronavirus hotspots and public exposure sites in Queensland visited by a confirmed case of Covid-19.

immediately travel by private transport directly to your home or accommodation and quarantine

get tested at your earliest opportunity

complete the online contact tracing form by clicking on the name for the relevant location in the table on the Queensland government website, linked at the bottom of the article. A pop up window will appear with specific advice for that location and a link to the form.
If you are unable to complete the contact tracing form please call 134 COVID (134 268).

After you complete the contact tracing self-assessment you will be contacted by Queensland Health.

Immediately travel by private transport directly to your home or accommodation and quarantine

Get tested at your earliest opportunity

Complete the online contact tracing form by clicking on the name for the relevant location in the table on the Queensland government website, linked at the bottom of the article. A pop up window will appear with specific advice for that location and a link to the form.
If you are unable to complete the online contact tracing form please call 134 COVID (134 268). This information will allow Queensland Health to contact you if required

Continue to quarantine at home until you get a negative test result.

Due to the unprecedented and ongoing nature of the coronavirus outbreak, this article is being regularly updated to ensure that it reflects the current situation at the date of publication. Any significant corrections made to this or previous versions of the article will be footnoted in line with Guardian editorial policy.

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