20.8 C
Peregian Beach
Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Entrepreneurial Sydney couple double house value by doing fuck all to it and just waiting 4 years (The Chaser)

Local Sydney couple James and Jane Watson have today been praised for their entrepreneurial spirit by realestate.com.au after they had the genius idea to buy a house with their parent’s money, and then double its value by just waiting for 4 years.

“Yea it took a lot of hard work and dedication to just sit around doing nothing for four years, but it really paid off,” said James. “That extra $500,000 me and the misses are now worth will really help us purchase 3 more investment properties using leveraged equity, and by pushing other millennials off the property ladder we’ll be able to easily pay off those extra mortgages through our eye watering rental prices we’ll charge while doing absolutely no upkeep on the property and gaining millions more in property value. It’s a perfect system.”

Asked whether this might actually be a waking hell for anyone under the age of 40 who wasn’t lucky enough to buy into property before the bubble, the government Minister for Housing said that was a very good question, before giving homeowners another tax break and putting a bid in for 12 more houses.

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